My Heart Belongs To You

Oct. 6, 2014
by Bob Farrell
The Way We Were

Hello to everyone. I”m back from my summer break, which got extended a bit due to work I’ve been doing recently for upcoming Saviour performances: one at Carnegie Hall on Oct. 25; and a tour of this oratorio sponsored by Compassion Int’l, Dec. 5-21. I’ll be posting tour schedule and ways you can help us promote the tour - and if you have any way to join us in NYC please don’t miss this gala event celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Saviour (I''ll be there with my tux on).

In an earlier blog installment concerning the song “In the Beginning” from Saviour (which tells the story of God’s pursuit of man through the ages), I set the stage to tell the next part of that story: God’s creation of man.

After God created the heavens and the earth, all the birds of the air and creatures of the oceans, all the flora and fawna of land and sea, all the creatures that inhabit the earth and the oceans - and saw that it was all good - He turned His handiwork to that of the very pinnacle of His creation: Adam. And from the rib of Adam He gave him a help-meet, so he would not be alone: Eve.

God made man and woman in His image - which is Spirit. He created them to be ones with whom He could have fellowship - as sentient beings whom He could know intimately - walk with - sing with.

I can think of no more passionate relationship than that which existed between God and man at that point - and no more intimate portrayal of that love and affinity than God and Adam singing to each other - the way we were in the Garden of Eden.

Who will hear the music that I hear 
Who will hear the sound that fills the air 
Who will see a radiant beam of light 
Dancing for a sun that warms a morning sky 

Who will know the beauty of My earth 
Sense the joy and wonder of its birth 
Who will see the glory of the world that I have made 
And who will walk beside Me in the garden 
In the coolness of the day 

Creation's glorious song that comes from My heart 
Expresses strains of love but only in part 
I long to say the words, the words that are true 
Someone to hear My heart belongs to you 

And who will feel the summer wind 
That moves across the water as it flows 
Who will enjoy the orchestrated mystery 
That soars within My soul 
Who will hear the glory of the music that I hear 

I will create man to be in My own image 
Form him from the dust of earth and breathe into him 
My own breath of life 

Lord, I hear You speak to me
How lovely are Your words 
How beautiful the sound

This wondrous paradise and all that you see
Could never match the joy when You're here with me
The message of My song will always be true
Mi Corazon, My heart belongs to you

You will enjoy the orchestrated mystery
That soars within My soul

God and Man:
And we can feel the summer wind
that moves across the water as it flows

This wondrous paradise and all that you see
Man (in answer): Creation's glorious song that comes from my heart
Could never match the joy when you're here with me
God (in answer): Expresses strains of love - but only in part
The message of My song will always be true
Man (in answer): I long to say those words - the words that are true
Mi Corazon, My heart...
Man (in answer): Someone to hear my heart...
God and Man: ...belongs to you

God and Man:
My life - my love - my heart belongs to you

The very essence of perfection - the penultimate defining of love - the glory and celebration of creation - soaring on the wings of passion and emotion - God and man wholly devoting themselves one to the other.

And exactly what God would have you say to Him today:

I long to say the words - the words that are true
My life, my love - my heart belongs to You

(“My Heart Belongs To You” from Saviour - Music and Lyrics, Bob Farrell and Greg Nelson, circa 1994)

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