Summer Break

I need to apologize to everyone for going dark the last couple weeks - sorry.

Summer madness is upon us, what with vacations, visits from family and friends, projects out on our 10 acres of raw land, plus the writing I continue doing on book manuscripts.

I did want to share an interview I did recently on WKRN Nashville that ran on July 4th weekend - sort of marking 4 years since the Nashville Flood of 2010.

If you haven't done so yet go to Amazon and get a copy of When the Rains Fall, my book about God's restoration of our lives after the cataclysm.  People have really been responding positively, with many comments like "a must read", "couldn't put it down", "very inspiring" - all music to my ears.  And a true affirmation of why I wanted to tell my and Jayne's story - as encouragement.

I promise My Manifesto will be back soon.  Everybody enjoy your summer break - as I will be :)

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