The Sting

June 2, 2014
by Bob Farrell

I wrote a song in 1985 for the F&F Jump To Conclusions album that most people got - but some did not. It’s called ”The Sting”, the music a fine piece of Michael Demus techno work, the melody and words from yours truly.

The giant metaphor I employed was likening the temptations of sin to that of the female spider, who lures in an unsuspecting male, ostensibly for mating, then fatally stabs him and eats him. The sting.

The mistake people make is in thinking the “she” in the lyric refers to a human seductress - not so. For me that would be too over-stated and a bit crass. And the metaphorical “she” I allude to is in actuality male or female: “We all fall short of the glory of God”.

It’s the process of that “fall” that is really the subject of the song; and the story’s spider-protagonist is none other than man’s oldest and wiliest enemy: Old Slewfoot, the devil.

The enemy came as a serpent in the Garden of Eden; the scripture says he “stalks us like a hungry lion, seeking whom he might devour”. In this instance he’s an arachnid femme fatale.

like a vision who knows
everything it takes to make you trip and fall
got a look in her eyes
tempts you to extend your boundaries after all

Our common enemy is not omniscient like God, he doesn’t know everything, but he’s been around man long enough to know what tempts us - what causes us to let down our guard. 

enticingly weaves her intrigue
she lures you in
so much for the wages of sin
when she's got you where she wants you

she stings
did you forget what it means
she set you up for the sting
'cause things are not what they seem

Satan’s approach into our life is sometimes overt, but most often his m.o. is his dark-art of subtlety: its form quite beautiful; its logic logical; its deadly intent veiled; its gaze mesmerizing.

she's the queen of disguise
able to appear in infinite pleasing form
like an angel of light
leads you into darkness keeping you misinformed

Like Eve in the Garden we listen, we entertain, we step - we fall. 

so cunningly preys on your mind
'til passions rule
so much for the counsel of fools
pay the price for the pleasure
she stings

Once you’re drawn into his web of intrigue and lies, you’ve given up the control - you’re where the enemy wants you.

So here’s the warning for the label: Buyer Beware.

You can get stung - and it can be fatal.

(lyrics from “The Sting”, music by Michael Demus, circa 1985)
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