Home Will Find You

May 19, 2014
by Bob Farrell
Keep Reaching

A few months ago I introduced you to Le Voyage - the allegory depicting the Everyman character Traveller - and its opening song “Little Narrow Gate”.  Let’s continue the chronicle of his journey from that place of its beginnings.

Once through the ‘Gate of Dreams’, Companion greets Traveller on the other side and tells him in glowing terms about his ultimate destination: The Homeplace.

there's a Place not far away - forever and beyond
where a Morning Star ignites the sky
with a Light that needs no sun
and if you walk with Me, I'll gladly take you there

it's a Land where dreams come true
and doubts are swept away
a Homeplace to the Traveller
who's questioning his way
and if you're lost the power of Love will bring you home 

The Homeplace.  A feeling - a dream - a place.  All of that and more, and a Guide who promises to take you there, if you only take His hand.

it's the longing and the laughter
the Voice that's calling you
to journey through the night

it's the cry for Ever-after
so, reach and Home will find you
just reach and Home will find you

Even as the heart longs to be in that blessed place, a Voice within pulls you inexorably onward - to keep on reaching. 

like the friendship of a family
as they gather 'round the fire
it's the warmth of that acceptance
that everyone desires
and if you're cold
The Homeplace burns with flames of love

and the Hope that yearns for sunrise
is the Dream that beckons you
to scale a mountain high
it's the Joy that lets the heart fly 

Love, warmth, acceptance, joy: the comforts of home.

so reach and Home will find you
just reach and Home will find you
o, come and see
just come with Me 

Jesus said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions - if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am there may you be also.” 

Follow Him. 

All the way home. 

(lyrics from “Home Will Find You”/ Le Voyage by Bob Farrell and Greg Nelson, circa 1992)
Photo credit: scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net

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