Just In Time

Apr. 28, 2014
by Bob Farrell
New Eyes

Bartimaeus was a blind man that lived in Jericho and who sat outside the city gate and begged. One day Jesus and a large group of disciples came right down his road, and when Bartimaeus learned exactly who it was passing by him he had a fit and began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

All the other folks around Bartimaeus rebuked him, telling him to shut up. He didn’t. He screamed more and louder. Jesus had Bart brought over to him and asked him what he wanted. “Rabbi, I want to see,” to which the Son of God replied: “Go, your faith has healed you.”

And straight-away he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

That’s just one of many stories told in vacation Bible school, and what I love about those miracle stories is that they’re about us - every one of us. We all need Jesus’ healing touch - sometimes physically, always spiritually and emotionally.

We all need new eyes.

It makes me sad to think on the ‘used-to-be’
A kind of slumber had a hold on me
But then You wakened me from a long, hard sleep
A kiss that shattered the spell on me

We come into this life impaired and we stay that way until Jesus comes down our road and gives us His kiss of life - like the fairy tale Prince who awakens the sleeping Princess.

And You began building Your kingdom in me
You filled me with treasures as far as the eye can see

Exactly. Once He sets up His kingdom within us He begins a building and renovation project, filled with gems - for as far as our new eyes can see.

And just when I thought there was nothing left to find
Well, Jesus You came to me just in time
I’m glad that You came to me just in time

Ring true? How we become complacent, self-satisfied, proud of our new landscape - and convinced there’s nothing more we could learn about faith and commitment?

Jesus is never done (this side of eternal glory) re-arranging our souls.

I feel as though I slept for a thousand years
I never knew seeing could be so clear
I’m like a blinded man that’s received his sight
‘Cause now I can tell my day from night

That’s all of us: alive but sleeping the sleep of the dead; unaware, without knowledge and wisdom of how much better things could be.

Right up till Jesus passes by, awakens us to His possibilities, and changes the entire topography of our life.

Next time the Son of God asks you: “ What do you want Me to do?” - tell Him “Teacher, I want to see.”

I promise you He will give you new eyes.

And don’t be bashful or full of pride. Bartimaeus might have made a complete fool of himself that day in ancient Jericho - he’s also the only one who got healed.

(lyrics from “Just In Time” by Bob Farrell, Music by Michael W. Smith, recorded on F&F Make Me Ready, circa 1979)
Photo credit: http://bibleclipart.blogspot.jp/search/label/Jerusalem

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