All That You've Done For Me

Apr. 21, 2014
by Bob Farrell
Gospel Story

Yesterday was Easter and like many of you I viewed a couple of vintage films about the life of Christ. I watched Kings of Kings and The Greatest Story Ever Told - such beautiful sets, stunning locations, powerful storytelling.

And once again I was amazed, awe-inspiried, and humbled at the sheer magnitude of what God did for each one of us in sending his Son to this earth.

Gospel story - so amazing how He
Left His glory for a manger
On the coldest of nights He came

Wise men traveled from the Far East, following a prophecy and a star that declared a new King was born in the vey un-kingly surroundings of a cattle stall in a sleepy Israeli village.

The stars proclaimed, the angels sang 
The King is born! 
He lights way for every man 
He is the Lord! 

No ordinary man came to us all, but the very Son of God - born of a Virgin - all man yet all God - come to seek and to save that which was lost: me.

All that You’ve done for me 
What can I do for You 
I’m wantin’ my life to be committed to You 

All that You’ve done for me 
I’m takin’ my stand for You 
Tellin’ the world that I’m indebted to You 

A man on a mission: born to this world specifically to make a living sacrifice for the sake of all mankind.

The Way of Sorrows - paid a ransom for me 
Had to borrow a tomb to lay Him 
On that coldest of nights He died 

By that death God’s greatest miracle ever changed all of history for all of time: the death of death.

Just like He said not even death 
Could keep Him in 
He broke right through those chains of death 
He rose again! 

Mission accomplished - sin and the grave defeated - the Door swung open wide for ‘whosoever will’ to walk through it into the mercy and grace of Almighty God.

All the story one needs to hear - to fall down before God and receive his Son.

The Gospel story.

(lyrics by Bob Farrell, music by Mike Demus, circa. 1979 - recorded on F&F Make Me Ready)
Photo Credit: The Ronald Grant Collection

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