He Watches Over You

Mar. 17, 2014
by Bob Farrell
Love That Never Slumbers

People have often asked me what it feels like to have superb artists like Amy Grant, Sandi Patty, Eric Clapton, Wynonna - singing one of your songs. It’s superb. And very seldom have I been disappointed.

In 1993 Word Records released a concept album entitled Our Family, with multi-artists, including Roberta Flack, Kathy Tricolli, Wayne Watson, Bruce Carroll - and contained a song of mine and Greg Nelson's, “He Watches Over You”, performed by Sandi and Bebe Winans.

I’ve always loved the message of this song, simply because it speaks to a subject so near and dear to my heart: God’s constant vigil over the lives of man on earth.

Look at this from Psalms 21: He will not let your foot slip - He who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep - the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

What a rich and blessed promise.
The One who placed the moon and stars 
To shine up in the sky 
Who holds the worlds together 
From His kingdom way on high

Almighty. Omniscient. Omnipresent. All powerful. Eternal. Creator. God’s resume is pretty impressive when it comes to running and ruling His planet earth and its inhabitants.
Is as watchful as a Father 
Over every child on earth 
He knows the dreams you’re dreaming 
From the moment of your birth 

The One who made you knows you - like no other.

Wherever you go - whatever you do 
He watches over you 
He is the One who hears your prayer 
Deep in your night He’s always there 

In those moments in the dead of night when you are fearful, depressed, insecure - He hears your prayer.
Wherever you walk - you’re never alone 
His eyes are on your journey till you make it home 
And you can know 
He watches over you 

You may journey by yourself - but you are never alone. And along your sojourn He speaks into your life.

You hear Him in an evening breeze that whispers out His name 
You see Him when a sunrise paints a morning sky in flame 
He is there within the silence and the stillness of your mind 
You know Him through a cross of love that stretches over time 

Nothing in this life can separate you from His love 
Even when the night surrounds you 
He will shine His light on you 

As the Apostle Paul said: Neither death nor life, angels nor demons, the present or the future, or any power, or height or depth, or anything in all creation can separate us from the love of God.

The love that sent His Son to redeem us - the love that sustains us.

That love that neither slumbers nor sleeps.

(lyrics by from “He Watches Over You” by Bob Farrell/Music Greg Nelson, circa. 1993)

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