Un Lugar Celestial

Feb. 24, 2014
by Bob Farrell
A Heavenly Place

In 1995 I got a call from Nashville producer Mark Heimermann saying he had a music track and needed a lyric - for a debut album on Jaci Velasquez. I requested an introductory meeting, where I met her parents and a very young and beautiful Jaci. I’m guessing she was no more than 15 or 16, but had been singing on stage since she was a small child.

Our talk eventually turned to how completely hectic life is and that we’re really only passing through on this planet - that our eternal home is heaven. It occurred to me as we chatted how God gives us glimpses in our spirit of that far away home when we spend time alone with him - in that secret place of prayer, meditation, and praise. I asked Jaci how you say ‘a heavenly place’ in Spanish and she replied “Un Lugar Celestial”. I immediately loved it and told Mark and everyone there that should be the song title. They all loved it, too.

I asked a new writer-buddy, Regie Hamm (who was actually an old F&F fan and told me later how he sort of ‘cut his writer’s teeth’ on my songs), to write the lyric with me. We later got Jaci’s dad, David, to translate some lines on the bridge into Spanish for us. The song became the title cut of the album, a hit, a Dove nominee for Song of the Year, and is possibly Jaci’s signature song. Regie, Mark, and I went on to write another for that album, too: “He That Overcomes”.

I love it when music and lyric meld so well and this one does.

Sometimes I realize - When I gaze in the skies
This spinning world is not my home
A place of mystery - A land of destiny
Is where I know one day I'll go

Only passing through, folks.

I dream of beauty I have never seen
I know the arms of heaven wait for me
And yet I feel its sweetness here and now
In this life on earth - I have found

In that secret heavenly place.
Un lugar celestial
Just a little bit of heaven sent from up above
Un lugar celestial
Where the presence of my Father
Holds me in His love
Un lugar celestial

When life deals its worst He is here to restore and refresh us.

When all my skies are gray - I simply steal away
Into my secret hiding place
When hearts are cold as ice - The breath of paradise
Blows warm and gentle on my face

I know I need my time alone with Him
His healing waters flowing deep within
Don't have to wish upon a distant star
'Cause the light of love fills my heart

With all the sensations and images that free our souls.

El cielo me llama (Heaven is calling me)
Caminando en las nubes (Walking on the clouds)
Dulce beso de libertad (Sweet kiss of liberty)
Nubes de gloria (Clouds of glory)

The promise of heaven is the ‘stuff that dreams are made of’ and we can have our little piece of paradise right here and now - in our very own heavenly place.

(lyrics by Bob Farrell, Regie Hamm, and David Velasquez/ Music by Mark Heimermann, circa 1995)

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