Little Narrow Gate

Jan. 6, 2014
by Bob Farrell

I’ve been intrigued with allegory storytelling since I first read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy in the late 1960’s.

There is an irresistible power to transport the soul inherent in that literary form that’s as strong as an undertow at the seasideinexorably pulling you somewhere you never expect to be taken.

After I became a Christian in 1971 I found my way to other great allegories: C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, Perelandra trilogy, and The Great Divorce; Calvin Miller’s Singer trilogy.

In the early 1990’s +Greg Nelson and I co-wrote a collection of songs about spiritual journeying called Le Voyage, featuring an Everyman character named Traveller, his spiritual guide Companion, and their nemesis Enemy. Le Voyage proved a great platform for me to try my hand at using allegory in conveying higher truth.

It’s sort of like the device Jesus used almost exclusively to teach people concerning His Kingdom and His Heaven: the parable.

“There once was a man who owned a vineyard ...” Jesus.

“Traveller found he had inadvertently stumbled into the Forest of Fears ...” Bob.

I say if you’re going to borrow a device:

1. Don’t plagiarize, and
2. Borrow from the best: Tolkien, Lewis, John Bunyan, and the absolute originalJesus.

Allegory and parable render the intangible into tangiblethe unseen into seenthe invisible into visible images.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction ... narrow is the gate that leads to lifeand few who find it. Matthew 7:13

The image Jesus gave us for beginning our journey in His KingdomA Little Narrow Gate.

+Sandi Patty recorded Le Voyage, which was released in ‘94 to great success and critical acclaim:

1995 Dove AwardInspirational Album of the YearLe Voyage
1995 Dove Writer NominationSong of the Year"Unexpected Friends" from Le Voyage
1995 Grammy Writer NominationGospel Pop Album of the YearLe Voyage
1995 NSAI Gospel Song of the Year Award"Hand On My Shoulder" from Le Voyage

The work found an enormous and devoted audiencepeople who still listen to the songs dailydown to this day. 

All quite an honor and most humbling for Greg and I, but the true joy for us was in the telling of Traveller’s great adventure.

And like all great adventures it has a departure pointa beginning. Traveller decides to take Companion’s advice to journey to The Homeplaceand to begin his sojourn by passing through The Little Narrow Gate.

there’s a Little Narrow Gate at the top of a hill
and it beckons my heart 
to enter in and follow where it will
o, where it will
and the Path that leads from this Gate of Dreams
takes me away

As I wrote Traveller’s words I was, no doubt, voicing my own thoughtsthe images my mind conjured of the journey we all travel on our road to heaven in the Kingdom of God.

Since the first time I read Matt. 7:13 the passage spoke volumes to me and most definitely conjured an image: of a small wicker gate at the top of a hillwith a simple wooden latchentwined with flowering vinewith a footpath leading through it.

The Gate of Dreamswhere everything was possible with God.

with the wind at my back
the journey before me
i set my feet on the Road that leads to Life

Following the path He had chosen for methe chance to discover why He had created me and exactly what He wanted me to do.

and take the Hand of the One 
Who’ll be my Companion

Not a journey I would be expected to make alone, but led by the Spirit of God. Maybe sometimes by myselfbut never alone.

for He will show me the place to begin

And, most importantly, it was the place to start. My sojourn, and Traveller’sand yourshas to begin right. No jumping onto the path at some point further along.

all of my life i’ve been waiting
could this be the place i can start?

It wasn’t until after I stepped through the Gate that it became apparent to me it was what I had sought, without knowing it, all of my life.

it’s thru a Little Narrow Gate at the top of a hill
and it beckons my heart 
to enter in and and do the Father’s will
oh, my Father’s will

and the Path that leads from this Gate of Dreams
takes me away

The critical first step in Everyman’s journey to heaven: following the leaning of your hearttaking the hand of Jesussurrendering your will to that of the Holy Father’sletting His Spirit take you away.

Beginnings ... that last forever.

(lyrics from "Little Narrow Gate"/ Le Voyage by Bob Farrell and Greg Nelson, circa 1992)
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1 comment :

  1. For those of us, few dreamers though we may be (Joel 2:28) allegory paints vibrant technicolor pictures of what heaven must be like. Truly, eye has not seen. . . . .! Great manifesto, Bob.
